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Regional & National Conferences

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Atlantic Coast Conference Meeting of the Minds (ACCMoM) Conference
Awards announced: Spring 2025
Student Deadline:
Faculty Deadline:
Virginia Tech ACCMoM Applicant Process
Every year, we take students to this undergraduate research conference all expenses paid.

November 15-18, 2023 Phoenix, Arizona

ABRCMS is one of the largest, professional conferences for underrepresented minority students, military veterans, and persons with disabilities to pursue advanced training in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). ABRCMS attracts approximately 4,050 individuals, including 2,100 undergraduate and postbaccalaureate students, 450 graduate students and postdoctoral scientists and 1,500 faculty, program directors and administrators. Students come from over 350 U.S. colleges and universities. All are pursuing advanced training in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM), and many have conducted independent research. The conference is designed to encourage underrepresented minority students to pursue advanced training in STEM and provide faculty mentors and advisors with resources for facilitating students’ success. More than 650 representatives from graduate programs at US colleges and universities as well as scientists from government agencies, foundations, and professional scientific societies join ABRCMS in the exhibitors program to share information about graduate school and summer internship opportunities. These representatives present research opportunities, funding sources, and professional networks.

Gulf Coast Undergraduate Research Symposium
October of each year

They welcome undergraduates conducting research in engineering and natural science fields to apply. For full list of participating divisions, details on how to register, and more, visit GCURS online. Accommodations are provided to accepted participants traveling to Houston from outside the area, and limited travel awards are available.

Harvard College Undergraduate Research Association (HCURA)
National Collegiate Research Conference (NCRC)

NCRC is a large-scale, multidisciplinary forum held annually at Harvard University, where the most accomplished undergraduate students from across the United States and internationally convene each year to share their research in the humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences.  The core vision behind our conference is to provide student researchers with the opportunity to hear from the world’s leading authorities in academia, policy, and industry, as well as to foster important exchanges and dialogue between students. Last year, after being selected through a competitive application process, over 200 participants from nearly 75 universities across America and abroad attended our conference. Through NCRC, we hope to expand the perspective of undergraduate researchers through offering exposure to diverse fields and to facilitate the discourse on collaboration, leadership, and social impact in research that we believe will be invaluable in future pursuits.  

In the last five years, we have been honored to host speakers including Marcia K. McNutt (President of the National Academy of Sciences and former Editor-in-Chief of Science), Jeffrey D. Sachs (American economist and Director of the Earth Institute at Columbia), Harold Varmus (former director of NIH and Nobel Prize Laureate), Gina McCarthy (former Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency), Stephen Wolfram (founder and CEO of Wolfram Research), Vivek Murthy (Former Surgeon General) as well as many other notable individuals in academia, policy, and industry. We are anticipating expanding the reach of NCRC to even greater heights for our upcoming 2020 conference.

Conference held Saturday, November 2, 2024
Registration Deadline: 
October 4, 2024
The Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference for Undergraduate Scholarship (MARCUS) is being held at Randolf College this year. MARCUS is devoted exclusively to the scholarship and research activities of undergraduate students. Students from Virginia and surrounding states are invited to present scholarly research from within all academic disciplines. Students may choose to participate in an oral session or a poster session.

Presenter Application Deadline: October 4, 2024
To be approved, scheduled for MARCUS, and included in the program complete this Application to Submit Presentation.
We reserve the right to edit abstracts, and/or request abstracts to be rewritten and resubmitted.

All attendees (presenters, faculty, mentors, guests) need to register to attend MARCUS via the Simpletix portal

The IEEE MIT Undergraduate Research Technology Conference (URTC) is an annual three-day technical conference held at the MIT campus in late September to early October each year that allows undergraduate students from all over the world to present, discuss, and develop solutions for advancing technology for humanity.

April 7-9, 2025, Pittsburg, Pennsylvania
The National Conference on Undergraduate Research (NCUR) promotes undergraduate research, scholarship and creative activity through an annual conference for undergraduate students. NCUR is unique because it offers students from all disciplines and institutions of higher education the chance to showcase their work on a national stage.

The Office of Undergraduate Research will be responsible for the students NCUR registration fee and will hold a shared hotel room. However, the students are responsible for all the expenses of hotel, travel, and food. After the conference, the Office of Undergraduate Research will reimburse the students, who attend the conference, up to $750. In order to receive any funding from the Office of Undergraduate Research, students must list VT Office of Undergraduate Research (email: Keri Swaby, as institutional representation on their NCUR application form and must also inform the OUR when they submit their application, providing the presenter’s name and major, presentation title, and abstract. NOTE: VT will only support one student per presentation. The students also must provide itemized receipts of all of the purchases in the student’s name to complete reimbursement.

View applications and more information

The National Research Conference at Penn (NRCP)
October 4-5, 2024 University of Pennsylvania
The National Research Conference at Penn (NRCP), a student-run 2-day research conference at the University of Pennsylvania. This conference is designed to provide a multidisciplinary platform for undergraduate researchers across the nation to showcase research findings via poster presentations and grant proposal competition and gain insights from speaker and networking sessions. The conference will take place October 4-5 this year at the University of Pennsylvania.

October 26, 2024 at Virginia State University
Call for Submissions: The Network for Undergraduate Research in Virginia (NURVa) is a consortium of Virginia colleges and universities dedicated to supporting undergraduate research and creative activity throughout the state. The NURVa conference is an opportunity for undergraduates in all disciplines to present their research and creative work at a statewide conference.

NURVa invites submissions from undergraduates in all disciplines in the categories of oral presentation, poster, or performance. Abstracts should be 750 words maximum and submitted with one letter of support from a faculty mentor.

Submission deadline is TBA. For any questions, email Dr. David A. Salomon. We also invite Virginia graduate schools and programs to purchase a table at the conference at a cost of $100 with a maximum of two representatives (lunch included) at each table. Please email Keri Swaby.

February 6, 2025 in Richmond
For any questions, email Dr. David A. Salomon.

October of each year

The SACNAS is three days of cutting-edge science, training, mentoring, and cultural activities for students and scientists at all levels. Our workshops, scientific research presentations, motivational keynotes, and engaging networking events offer both inspiration and education. The powerful combination of science, culture, and community creates an unforgettable professional experience. SACNAS is organized by Society for Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in Science (SACNAS). For over 40 years SACNAS has been the leading multicultural and multidisciplinary STEM diversity organization in the country.